tally - bandwith only


Verified User
Aug 14, 2009
How can I ask tally to only update bandwidth usages not disk usage every hour?
Probably could do this in a crontab

echo "action=tally&value=bandwidth" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
Ofc do nothing, is an echo, you need to manually run dataskq or wait a minute, and im not sure this will update the users list but maybe you should check just one user for check if his bandwidht is updated from his details.

Did you try it your self?
I've wait more than a minute and no process came up at htop for a server with 200 hosting accounts.
>echo "action=tally&value=bandwidth" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
>/usr/local/directadmin/dataskq d200
Debug mode. Level 200

pidfile written
staring queue
dataskq: command: action=tally&value=bandwidth
done queue

using all instead of bandwidht do the space too, maybe the bandwidht is not the right command to pass.

Maybe DA Support would have a better reply/solution for your request.

value=bandwidth might not exist. I only found documentation for value=all. I was just hoping there was a value=bandwidth haha.
Thank you and DA support which gave me the same link.
I've a question, I need to update the bandwidth usages every hour or even every 15 minutes, but every time I run the command it rises the load of server to 3 or 4 which make page views very slow,
Any suggestion on updating the bandwidth usages in short periods and keep the load low?
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The data it needs to update is going to be fixed.. so the only solution is to slow it down, or run it less often.
You can space out each User's tally with this:

and add something like:
sleep 15;
exit 0;
so that the tally code pauses for 15 seconds between each User.
