tally breaking Apache


Verified User
Oct 10, 2005

I run "portupgrade -a" some days ago and it updated some packages, including Perl.

Anyway, now when tally runs httpd crashes and I can't restart it using the System Monitor, must be done manually.

What does exactly tally does besides updating quota and stats?

I tried to update Webalizer also with a language pack, and then I downloaded the binary again from this site 'cause I first thought it was related to this Webalizer update, but no, problem is still there.
having used BSD variants for over
10 years, I can safely say I've never
used portupgrade on a production server.

anyway, 1) not everything installed on a DA
server uses the ports version, and 2) running
this may not help with software previously
compiled and/or configured to use one
or more older, previously installed versions.

No doubt many have thought it'd be a good
idea to upgrade perl, then broken lots of
stuff on their box. They'd have to re-build
or re-install this, that and what-have-you.

I'd maybe try to install everything again (for
DA that is). Consider that as plan B, and if
you have no plan A, try it and see.
squirrelhost said:
having used BSD variants for over
10 years, I can safely say I've never
used portupgrade on a production server.

Man, you've got me very worried about this. Do you think I should go for a restore and start from the beggining?

I've noticed one more thing breaks Apache too... whever an user adds a subdomain.

I need a response from DA so I know what I have to do, I can't keep restarting it over and over everytime it goes down. :(
The best way to get a response from DA is to write their support address.

their is nothing wrong with portupgrade if used in the right way. Running portupgrade -a blindly without reading the UPDATING file is dangerous. For a start when perl is upgraded plenty of things need doing after, either recompile everything that depends on perl or run 'perl-after-upgrade -f' script this should take care of all ports that depend on perl. Then recompile mod_perl which should stabilise apache.
jlasman said:
The best way to get a response from DA is to write their support address.


Yeah, that's what I figured later. :rolleyes:

I wanted to try as a last resource what Chrysalis said (I actually was going to try that before, I saw a reply from him on another thread with a very similar problem), so I first rebuilt mod_perl and now everything's working fine.

There's still this perl-after-upgrade script which I'm afraid to run. Do you think it's worth the risk?

As I said, everything's fine now so I don't think it's need. You know the saying, don't fix what ain't broke.
I think there is more risk if you just don't run it since you have varios perl modules running of your old perl version now. Personally the per-after-upgrade script hasnt caused me any problems yet. You can run it without -f which is like an emulation run which will do no actual changes.
Chrysalis said:
I think there is more risk if you just don't run it since you have varios perl modules running of your old perl version now. Personally the per-after-upgrade script hasnt caused me any problems yet. You can run it without -f which is like an emulation run which will do no actual changes.

Ok, that did it. Everything's running fine now.. :D
