Thanks, but why is the tallying the only thing that uses the complete disk io?
Some kind off "turnarround/breakpoint" component when logs/logging and/or mailboxes grows to large, then this kind of tasks are to busy with themselves. (a kind of vicious circle i try to explain this behavouir right??? )
Try to pin down on a USER when its only one.
( then his/her/it Mailboxes and logging behaviour sometimes User LOGS in a kind of debug modus ( and or have very much errors in webapps) much to much, don;t know or these kind of LOGS are in tally also??)
Wrong config settings also gave huge logs, for example https <> not https problems after switching Site to https some cCMS still have hard pointing to non https links. in DB somewhere... loggings are oft done for that "errors " to
I'm not sure wich logs files are all in taly but such kind of changes could be cause of bigger log files ( or much more activity there). (looping or not correct non http to https links/rewrites and so on)
Ofcourse some Yokers do abuse log files for DDOS and such kind of "FUN"
If problem is there and you do this you see some....
You could (login as that user) and see / look for large log files and or mailboxes. if its no system/brute force logs
DISK-IO dataskq tally tuning >
If the tally is using up too much disk I/O, you can slow down the dataskq using the ionice binary, if you have it.
is in util-linux