Tally hangs, unable to remove task


Verified User
Nov 18, 2013
I am having problems with a task from dataskq which seems to hang and uses my entire disk cpu.

I have issued a killall -USR1 dataskq. The log shows an activity getDirsandFiles(). The system log stops at a tally of one of the users. If I leave th task running, it takes the cpu to 100% for hours.

Does this have anything to do with the tallying?
Thanks for your reply and help. I already found these articles and changed it accordingly.

Then I entered a tally command and monitored it using dataskq d800.

I have noticed that the tallying itself is taking far more time and disk cpu than it took a couple of weeks ago. I cannot recall changing anything in my config which should cause this.

Any other hints/tips?
Muche more mail in inbox some user while for example on EASTERN holliday ;) or more spam.

More brute force and so on.

More WEB traffic if you or your users are lucky ;)
Thanks, but why is the tallying the only thing that uses the complete disk io?

Some kind off "turnarround/breakpoint" component when logs/logging and/or mailboxes grows to large, then this kind of tasks are to busy with themselves. (a kind of vicious circle i try to explain this behavouir right??? )


Try to pin down on a USER when its only one.
( then his/her/it Mailboxes and logging behaviour sometimes User LOGS in a kind of debug modus ( and or have very much errors in webapps) much to much, don;t know or these kind of LOGS are in tally also??)
Wrong config settings also gave huge logs, for example https <> not https problems after switching Site to https some cCMS still have hard pointing to non https links. in DB somewhere... loggings are oft done for that "errors " to

I'm not sure wich logs files are all in taly but such kind of changes could be cause of bigger log files ( or much more activity there). (looping or not correct non http to https links/rewrites and so on)

Ofcourse some Yokers do abuse log files for DDOS and such kind of "FUN" :mad:

If problem is there and you do this https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=402 you see some....

You could (login as that user) and see / look for large log files and or mailboxes. if its no system/brute force logs

DISK-IO dataskq tally tuning > https://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=525
If the tally is using up too much disk I/O, you can slow down the dataskq using the ionice binary, if you have it.

is in util-linux https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Util-linux
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