Testing server on VM


Verified User
Oct 21, 2004
I am running an older CentOS 3.x server that I am leasing from a dedicated server company. There are several things that I want to upgrade and test in regards to stopping spam. My idea is to install the older CentOS onto a virtual machine and do my testing on that Virtual Machine without mucking around on a live server that hosts a dozen live sites.

I'm guessing that there is a licensing issue with DirectAdmin that will stop me from installing it on the VM. I don't know if I can contact DirectAdmin since the license on my server is registered to the company I got my dedicated server from.

I wouldn't mind paying $30 for a month, then cancelling the account after I finished my testing if I knew it would work in a VM.

So, any advice on how to install DirectAdmin on a virtual machine to mimic a live dedicated server for a brief period?
VM behaves exactly as a "real" server. Directadmim will run smoothly on it
Thanks for the response. I didn't really think DA would have a problem in a Virtual Machine. My main issue is really what's the best way to install it? I don't have any installation files for it and don't see where to download it. From the install notes I see, it indicates it needs a public IP address ( I assume for 'activation'?).

Ideally, it makes sense to clone my dedicated server and restore that to the VM, and deal with any hardware differences that will arise.

Any other advice?
DirectAdmin requires a separate license to run on your Virtual Server. It also needs it's own public IP# in perpetuity, not just for installation or activation.

Contact DirectAdmin Sales if you need a temporary license, but you'll need to get your IP# on your own :D.

Thanks for the reply Jeff. It seems like a temporary license makes the most sense.

I'm going to try and make a VM out of my existing server and see if I can get that to work first (not caring if DirectAdmin is temporarily disabled). Hopefully I can get a temp license while I'm doing that.