The best combination for wordpress?


Verified User
Jul 17, 2019
Hello, to all the teachers of the forum, I have a dedicated server, I would love to know what combination of configurations is perfect for CSM sites like wordpress and get the most out of the server for example, Directadmin using openlitespeed?
I think it's hard to answer with so less details but it shouldn't matter if your site hasn't ten-thousands of visitors, a huge database or very complex calculations/services running and your question doesn't sound like you fit into this category. So for the beginning I would use anything you prefer and if you want an easy life, you could take something very popular like Apache2. Reason for that is that if you find some issue, there's for sure some tutorial or discussion in the internet about it with a solution provided.
I'd ban Wordpress as an option...... but.. to answer your question..... it's all dependant on what plugins are used and the amount of visitors......

Like, I have just 1 Wordpress site on a server..... 8 core, 32GB ram...... and, yet the server is unable to cope. (Debian 10/Apache/MySQL/PHP-FPM 7)

My suggestion is to use CloudLinux as a OS as a start.
Dedicated for yourself or only one company?

Then you have to check the expected load from how much website's services and how much visitors same time, also plugins and connectors and so.

Only after that you can go to set a config option, and knowing if possible upfront the specs for server.

If you do this blind , hoping fo it goes well, or if to much load afterwards gives you painfull, and sleeples nights i guess, see some experienced as Peter.. ;);)
Hello, to all the teachers of the forum, I have a dedicated server, I would love to know what combination of configurations is perfect for CSM sites like wordpress and get the most out of the server for example, Directadmin using openlitespeed?
Hello and welcome to the forum.. I hope you are well and taking care to avoid the current world tragedy. I noticed you joined long ago what took so long to ask or post?

Let's go with a philosophical answer first.
what combination of configurations is perfect
There is no Perfect it doesn't exist. Man is not perfect therefore perfection is not attainable. Some say only One is perfect.

Now more to your request. We will need a lot more info about what it is you plan or what you want to do with said server.
It's just for you and your one site.. is it for 500 users?

Are you a business man or a trained linux admin?

There are ton of posts on here and on google on this topic. They are all relative to my philosophical answer.

Only training and experience can really help you. Dont let it stop you if you dont have those things just keep asking and reading.

Start here and keep going..