The race for performance, PHP 8.3


Verified User
Jul 31, 2022

End of life since november 28th of the best PHP version, 7.4.

Next november, of the 8.0

Then of the version 8.1

You believe that PHP are occurrent that we have only one brain.

We speak about the 8.3 and these changes during the year 2023

Surely that in 2024, we will speak about the version 9

I know, he is nosing this Mz, but he is worried all simply
It definitely feels like development of PHP is speeding up.

PHP 5.x, for example - first released in 2004, and EOL in 2018 (5.6) - 14 years.

PHP 7.x, first released in 2015, and EOL in 2022 - 7 years.

Looks like PHP 8.2 has security support until Dec 2025, so without factoring in 8.3, maybe the 8.x series will be around for longer than 7.x, which seemed to come and go so quickly.
2025 you imagine, so every 2 years an end of life for each new license?