The requested URL was not found on this server.


Verified User
Feb 3, 2007
After restore from backup file, show this error.

How to fix


  • Screenshot_20201010_220117.jpg
    38.3 KB · Views: 189
Was this a restore of a user back, reseller backup or admin backup?

Is this a restore which was moved from another server, or just something went wrong and a restore was done? Because if it's a user from another server, you might have to check DNS and nameserver records.

Also you might try this:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build rewrite_confs
I have the same problem, i upload files to my public_html and i cannot access them by web, i get 404 error, i already tryed with
./build rewrite_confs
with no luck
404 is not found error, be sure that you have something like index.php or index.html exists.
Or there is something wrong with your .htaccess (if exist) file
Thanks for reply friend, yeah,in deed 404 is a not found error
Actually this is my .htaccess content
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule .* https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]
#Alternate default index pages
DirectoryIndex index.php
#php_value date.timezone 'America/Mexico_City'
And yes, the index.php file is present, any file I upload shows up as 404
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Please disable/rename (as test) your .htaccess and try again, check also your logs for strange logs
i upload files to my public_html and i cannot access them by web
What kind of files did you upload?
Because a little while ago somebody contact me and he uploaded a zipfile.
Only website files are visible. So if there are website files in a zip file, one has to unpack them and then upload them.

So if you want to have real files visible like .mp3 and other stuff, you have to change your .htaccess to something like this:
Options +Indexes
and try again.
Hey guys, thank y'all for reply.
@Richard G I have tested with image files, html and php files
Whole content on my public_html is not accessible trough web.

This happens only with one of the 4 domains that are under the admin account, the one that is not working is the main domain.

@Zhenyapan If i check the error log file for that domain i see this

Cannot serve directory
/home/admin/domains/suspended/: No matching DirectoryIndex (index.html,index.htm,index.shtml,index.php,index.phtml) found, and server-generated directory
index forbidden by Options directive

It seems that the domain is suspended, why?
I don't remember where I saw that the main domain had an orange triangle and it said suspended, I don't remember how I accessed that part of directadmin
Yeah, i forget to check the error log, how can i unsuspend it and know the causes of the suspension
This is my own dedicated server self managed.
Unsuspended it and now i can access the files


Now, i want to know why that domain becomes suspended if i didnt do that manually
I'm having this exact same problem, but only when browsing sites using IPv6.
When on IPv4 everything is perfectly fine.
The rebuild conf doesn't work.