The service 'directadmin' on server is currently down


Verified User
Aug 13, 2008
My server is still up, but started receiving this message every hour for a few hours:

The service 'directadmin' on server is currently down

Why could this be happening and how can I fix this?
Seems directadmin itself is not working. I presume you mean by "my server is still up" that the websites are still running? But that is apache working.

Which OS are you running on? You might want to check if DA is indeed not running. Login via SSH and issue this command:

systemctl directadmin status

If it says it's not running, try to start it manually:
systemctl directadmin start
see if it starts or which error notices it throws.

Also check the logfiles in the /var/log/directadmin directory to see if that points to some error.
Thank you. Yes, the website is up. I am running direct admin 1.62.8 so could that be a reason? I have a lifetime directadmin license and moved my website and directadmin to new server Sept 2021
I am running direct admin 1.62.8 so could that be a reason?
That might be the case. Check the logs as I said or try to start DA that way, or check logfile.
If you see any license error, it might because you're running an older version.

If you don't see a license error, you have to check logfile anyway because without errors it's almost impossible to know what's wrong.
Direct Admin support told me I have a very old release and I need to upgrade. They gave me a link to the script. A programmer I use is not available this week. Where do you suggest I find someone who can manually update me to the latest version?
Upgraded to 1.63.8 and reset my license when the original lifetime license wouldn't work after the upgrade, now logs show:

Apr 03 09:07:36 directadmin[53360]: 2022/04/03 09:07:36 info Migrations done, active connection open
Apr 03 09:07:36 directadmin[53360]: 2022/04/03 09:07:36 error licence: unable to create session error=transient lic>
Apr 03 09:09:06 systemd[1]: directadmin.service: start operation timed out. Terminating.
Apr 03 09:09:06 systemd[1]: directadmin.service: Failed with result 'timeout'.
Apr 03 09:09:06 systemd[1]: Failed to start DirectAdmin Web Control Panel.
error licence: unable to create session error=transient li
Seems still something wrong with the license.

Try this:
/usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ auto
see if it throws errors.

also check this for manual license update:

You might also want to set/lock the new ip in the customer panel.
I am waiting on support to tell me why the license is not working. I reset the license and it still won't work. I will ask the programmer to run the script you provided.
pasted file at april 3, 2022 9_42 pm.png
Error when running script:

Job for directadmin.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.
As for you reply in #10, you did not issue the command as I gave it to you.
You only needed to copy and paste.

Try to calm down, because when being nervous, these kinds of mistakes are made. I understand but still... it's better to try to be a bit less nervous.
Check my post #8 again and issue the correct command.

Also check the link I posted.
I did finally enter the command as you gave it to me and the error is:

Job for directadmin.service failed because a timeout was exceeded.

I have been using the link you gave me. I read all the info as did the programmer. I need help. I need someone who is expert with DirectAdmin.
Check directadmin error log for `error license` messages it should give more output then only timeout.

Only way to get an expert is to way until support or one or the devs answers here or in that other license thread you posted, or to send in a ticket.
Check directadmin error log for `error license` messages it should give more output then only timeout.

Only way to get an expert is to way until support or one or the devs answers here or in that other license thread you posted, or to send in a ticket.
Support is working on the ticket and has the server login details. Thank you for your help.
Support assisted and found the programmer hadn't updated the program like he said he did. Everything is working fine now. Thank you for your help. I need to visit the forum often because I had no idea that there was going to be a licensing change. I will also keep my program updated.