Theming DirectAdmin


Verified User
Mar 17, 2006

I've created a theme for someone by copying the 'enhanced' and replacing the graphics. When they try and upload the theme they get errors like:

The skin package did not install properly. Either there were files missing, or their permissions were incorrectly set

What's wrong exactly? Everything seems to be correct with the theme.
The errors seem fairly specific.

Are you sure you followed every step exactly?

Did you copy the entire Graphics? Did you do it with cp -p which keeps the permissions?

No I did not. Basically I downloaded the enhanced theme from your site, photoshopped the graphics tarballed it up and emailed it to the person who owns the reseller account. Then they followed the instructions here. It does seem like the permissions got lost in the process.

What should the permissions be exactly? I will check the folder to make sure everything is there.
It's not my site. I have nothing to do with JBMC, the producers of DA, except that I volunteer to administer the forum.

I don't have enough knowledge of how the skins work to help you; hopefully someone else will respond to the thread.

And all I was doing was politely telling you that I can't help you further.

