Theres a reason DA is not free.


Verified User
Jun 2, 2009
'nuff said.

I'm new here and just purchased two licenses after dealing with lxlabs and kloxo.

Your competition is your best seller.
I think he said lxadmin & kloxo stink... he then went on to thank the DA crew for the valiant effort they have put into this wonderful product we all love so dearly.


Not sure how that could be misconstrued. heh

Anyways - i'll be here for awhile :)
Go it up and running on the two servers no problem. Setup some sites on both servers already - works great :)
I'm glad to hear you're having good results with DirectAdmin. But don't be so harsh on laxlabs. After all, they're the most advanced and flexible hosting platform on this planet.

If you don't believe them, just ask them :D.

On the planet, folks. The whole planet. Think of it ;).

On the planet, folks. The whole planet. Think of it ;).
Yea...just wait till Inter-Gallactic Glotz, control panel, billing system and web page creator is released. Bliffstick states that it will surpass anything in the known universe.

One minor disadvantage is that you will have to interface with the system via mind-meld.

Yea...just wait till Inter-Gallactic Glotz, control panel, billing system and web page creator is released. Bliffstick states that it will surpass anything in the known universe.

One minor disadvantage is that you will have to interface with the system via mind-meld.


I think after the recent events this will never happen.
I think after the recent events this will never happen.

It's possible....and more likely that the ControlPanelTzar (CPT) will close all Control Panel dealerships and nationalize the company.

Free Enterprize is bad for Czars
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Oh goodness. I was a customer of vaserv. Lost both my VPSs. I'm running now on a dedicated server with another provider.

I'll never use hypervm/kloxo/lxadmin ever again - regardless of what happens to the company going forward since the owner hung himself.
According to The Register the head of LXLabs has committed suicide, perhaps because of the recently discovered vulnerabilities which resulted in the loss of 100,000 accounts at UK hosting company VAserv.