This Connection is Untrusted


Verified User
Jul 16, 2014

After Setting up DA with an SSL certificate through this guide and restarting my Direct Admin, I now get an alert in browsers claiming that "This Connection is Untrusted". Google Chrome says that "The identity of this website has not been verified." and that "Server's certificate does not match the URL". I reviewed the certificate and the information is exactly as I entered in my server's certificate. How can I make the browsers verify the identity of this address?

It may also be relevant to say that I have one IP address and one domain only for my VPS and because I have registered in Cloudflare, I have to use my IP address+2222 as URL. Can this be the reason? If so, do I need to make any changes in the certificate?

Thanks in advance.
I know it is not a fake cert


Is it a self-singed SSL cert? If not, then you may check it with

We hardly can help you further without having a link to check the cert ourselves. So please provide a link to your server so we could test it.


No, it is self-assigned. Does it pose any security risks as such or is it a mere nag screen in my case? If the latter, I would be fine with my DA website passing through https in spite of the security alert in the browser. As I said the cert details show they are mine and I know that it is not a fake cert.


No, it is self-assigned. Does it pose any security risks as such or is it a mere nag screen in my case? If the latter, I would be fine with my DA website passing through https in spite of the security alert in the browser. As I said the cert details show they are mine and I know that it is not a fake cert.



Browser is showing that certificate is not trusted. That means that it's not signed by any "everyone known" certificate issuer.
When You buy a certificate, the issuer signs that certificate and proves that You own that domain or even company (that's different types of certificates).
All browsers have certificate database, and they are checking if Your site was signed by any 'trusted' issuer. As Your certificate is self signed - it will show warning, You cannot do anything about that. You may just add it as trusted by YOU. Next time Your browser won't show this error as it will have inside its database.

I think You want to check out this site:
It provides free ssl. It's better choice than using self signed as browsers won't show the untrusted error :)

Hi nsc

Thanks a lot. Your explanation was great. I will check
I think You want to check out this site:
It provides free ssl. It's better choice than using self signed as browsers won't show the untrusted error :)
Is startSSL in the various browsers? If not, then there's no reason to go through all the effort, since it would have the same error as a self-signed Certificate.

Please clarify.


Do you offer it to clients? If so, do you just point them to the website or help them through the process?

At how low a price point would a commercial Cert need to sell to be worth it?

$5, $10, $15, $20 ?

No, I don't offer them to clients. I use them mostly for my own, and according to policy you can not use their free certs on commercial sites, from which you sell services or products.