This is e-mail notification to warn you that your hostname is setup improperly on you


Verified User
Feb 3, 2007
May I know how to solve the problem?


  • hostname.png
    63 KB · Views: 132
Either change the servername in DirectAdmin or run the '' script via ssh to change your hostname.
Either change the servername in DirectAdmin or run the '' script via ssh to change your hostname.

cant run cmd from ssh.


  • hostname_ssh.PNG
    7.4 KB · Views: 122

I have full administrative powers on my DA, I own the damn thing but when I run that script to attempt to fix the hostname being setup improperly it comes up saying:
-bash: /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ Permission denied

Any ideas?
I have full administrative powers on my DA, I own the **** thing but when I run that script to attempt to fix the hostname being setup improperly it comes up saying:
-bash: /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/ Permission denied

And its a very scary thing to know that such an inexperienced person is running a server on the internet. And that is no disrespect to you. We all did not know at one time. But you really should know how to do basic things before trying to run a server on the internet where it is exposed to hackers and worms and all kinds of bad stuff.

Even people who only run web sites and not a server know what to do with "permission denied" messages. A server administrator certainly should know these basic things.

Please, please hire someone who is experienced to run your server until you learn more.

chmod 755 /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/
sh /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/
And its a very scary thing to know that such an inexperienced person is running a server on the internet. And that is no disrespect to you. We all did not know at one time. But you really should know how to do basic things before trying to run a server on the internet where it is exposed to hackers and worms and all kinds of bad stuff.

Even people who only run web sites and not a server know what to do with "permission denied" messages. A server administrator certainly should know these basic things.

Please, please hire someone who is experienced to run your server until you learn more.

chmod 755 /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/

I respect completely what you're saying and know completely what you mean, but this server is a personal project of mine only running websites and such for me and me alone.
It's also my learning grounds for things such as this for when I want to start using the server commercially.

I have considered bringing someone with more knowledge than I in but at the moment there is only my data on there and I want to learn all this stuff on my own so some time in the near future I might be as knowledgeable as you :)

Oh, and thanks for your help but whenever I type any of the commands you gave me in I still get permission denied messages for the code that you typed...
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While you are inexperienced and your server is hooked to the internet you are a danger to yourself and to others. You may think that because its only your data then only you will be affected. It doesn't matter to a hacker what data you have on the server. He will use your server to perform scans on other computers and/or send out billions of spam emails.

At least hire somebody to lock down your server for you.
Ok, you make a valid point, where can I hire somebody to do this and how much do you think it will cost?

I'm on a tight budget you see...
Maybe somebody here will volunteer. There are plenty here who know something about security. I am not one to take responsibility for security for somebody else.
Fair enough, if anyone does wish to step forward to help me with this, please go right ahead!