Thousands of domains per server

Verified User
Aug 2, 2003
Schenectady, NY
I've got a client who has over 3000 virtual domains (not pointers or aliases), all static content . Each domain takes .5mb or less of disk space and virtually no bandwidth. The server specs are quad core, 16gb of ram - plenty to handle what he's doing.

What changes would have to be made to Apache to handle this number of virtual domains? Are there any considerations within Directadmin that need to be addressed?


If all the domains are under one user account then DA will take a long time to add or delete a domain and perhaps do other things as well.

I would at least create 3 user accounts with only 1000 each. Even better would be 6 with 500 each.

I have a customer who has 5000 domains divided into 3 accounts. No problems except with DA itself being slow to respond. Everything else works fine.
I do comment out the error log on each virtual host else there will be too many files open.
Very important the error logs be disabled. There are lots of posts on these forums as to how to do that.
