Throttle email for a single user account


Verified User
Sep 26, 2003

Is there a way to throttle the email received on user's domain.

Basically on of our customers has advised us that they need to transfer tens of thousands of domain names from one resgistrar to another. The admin contact email address quoted in the domain records are the email address for his DA account and therefore our server will be deluged with 10s of thousands of confirmation emails in a very short space time. This will no doubt cause a very very high server load if we allow these emails to hit the server in one go without restriction.

Any ideas as to how we can handle such volumes without impacting on our server load to much.

Neil :D
If this is a legit request I doubt the registrar can send the emails faster than you can receive them.

But honestly something smells fishy here.

I believe you can rate limit with iptables, but I don't know how. This would be a server wide limitation.

You can effectively rate limit exim's ability to accept emails, but it would also be serverwide.

Fishy, yes, we believe so too, we are currently in consultation with our customer to find out what he is up to.

He has since suggested we change MX pointers to his exchange server, but as he does not run a web site on his account with us (only uses the account for email) then we are questioning why he needs to host with us anyway.... unless of course he is trying to pull a fast one. We have cancelled his account and MX records temporarily while we come to a decision.

A server wide solution is not preferable obviously as we do not wish to inconvenience our other users.

Neil :D
As goes without saying, why would anyone who owns 10,000 domains not have their own servers?



suggest he get a gmail account, and make it his contact email at the domain registrar.

after the transfers are complete, he can change it back to normal.
oddly enough he has a gmail account and that is what we have suggested he do.

Neil :D