Ticket system hosed


Verified User
Mar 29, 2005
My hard drive got full and corrupted the ticket system and I am finding it hard to fix.

When trying to create a ticket the system says that the connection timed out and:

"Either your request was invalid or the program hasn't completed your request.
Please notify the server admin"

Then when trying to click Home right after that in that screen it tries to go to the server name and :2222/none.

I even updated DirectAdmin thinking that would fix the files that needed fixing.

The error happens every time but sometimes the ticket actually gets written depending which user is submitting the ticket.

If a user submits a ticket he gets the error described above. The ticket actually gets written but only the admin can see it. The user cannot view his own ticket.

The email does not go out to the admin.

The admin cannot reply to the ticket. The admin gets the same error as above when trying to reply. The reply does not get written.
If you don't need any information from past tickets, I would be tempted to start fresh. I would delete all tickets, verify file permissions, and reset the next ticket number.

Related files and directories in /usr/local/directadmin/data/ would be:
and tickets/
I fixed the "could not read tickets" error.
Stupid mistake
What would happen is I tried to reinstall directadmin?

I know I should backup /usr/local/directadmin.

What else should I backup? mysql?
You tried reinstalling or you want to know what will happen if you reinstall?

Eitherway you should have everything backed up.
This is what I did. I didn't want to make a bad situation worse.

I used a new server, installed DirectAdmin. Stopped DirectAdmin.

On old server tar /usr/local/directadmin. Copy to new server.

On new server deleted completely /usr/local/directadmin. Untared the directadmin folder from the old server. Updated the license file manually so I could get DirectAdmin to start. Everything works like it is supposed to.

On the new server with the old directadmin folder I can see all the users and use the ticket system with no problem.

There must be some other files somewhere that are missing or corrupt on the old server. And its not anything in the directadmin folder because the old directadmin folder works fine on the new server.