

Verified User
Nov 27, 2005
The time for my emails and the time that events take place on my server don't match my local time. Is there a way to change this? Right now it is 8:45AM and my server shows 10:45PM.
Look into the date and hwclock commands.

Generaly the server time is set to the correct time for the server's local time, and any applications adjust fro the amount of offset needed.
My question was, I want the time for my server to match my local time. When I get emails the date and time are *hours* off from my time, even if I send a test email to myself, but thanks for that information.
Wonderful! That worked, thanks. One other question, if I reboot the server, will the time and zone I set remain? It says somthing on that link you gave me about when booting, it reads the hardware clock; do I need to change that as well?

Thanks for the help.
That depends on your operating system and how you adjusted the time and timezones.

But, as I said in my first post, look into hwclock to verify the time is the same and modification instructions if needed.
Shutting down linux by default (unless you start changing shutdown routines) will write the current system time to the hardware clock.
