times out when creating accounts


New member
Feb 9, 2005

I cannot create accounts in DirectAdmin.
When I submit the acccount creation form it just times out with the message "Your connection has timed out"

Actually it creates users and sends welcome emails but doesn't display accounts in the list.

I found a thread where somebody advised to recompile the kernel, it was done without any luck.
Also somebody advised to do
echo "action=reset&value=all" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
It was done with the same result.

I am using RedHat 9 with 2.4.29 kernel.

Could somebody help me?

Thank you.
Hi shurik,

I have the same problem on one of my servers.

Did you find the solution to this error?

If the user was created successfully regardless, run this command to update the show all users cache:
echo "action=cache&value=showallusers" >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue

Make sure your running the latest version of DirectAdmin!
Thanks jmstacey,

However the "Connection time out" error is still showing up everytime a user is added.

DA is latest version and OS is CentOS 3.6.
Send DA support an email.

I don't see anything in the KB regarding this and no answers from other people with the same problem from previous threads.

Most also seem to be running CentOS. There might be a bug in that build.

Let us know the solution when they respond :)
Guys from directadmin support helped me to solve this problem.

We installed own "sendmail" in /usr/sbin/sendmail
It helped us to track down spammers who use vulnerable php scripts (php is running under "nobody").

But it turned out directadmin uses sendmail as well. I am not sure why it needs sendmail to create accounts but it does indeed.
It needs the original sendmail only.

We reverted sendmail back to the original and it fixed the problem.

The problem was specific to our server and was caused by our custom changes so I didn't report about the solution here, sorry.
Interesting supposition, because none of our servers use sendmail. DA uses exim, and exim creates a sendmail link to itself.

Perhaps that's what you're telling us about.

The link has to be there because DA uses it to send the welcome email.

shurik said:

We installed own "sendmail" in /usr/sbin/sendmail
It helped us to track down spammers who use vulnerable php scripts (php is running under "nobody").

I have done this too. My solution to use that script (http://www.webhostgear.com/232.html) was to put it somewhere else like /usr/bin/sendmail and change the php_admin_value sendmail_path to the new path in all the custom httpd.conf files. That way it does not interfere with anything else that might want to use the regular sendmail symlink that links to exim.