To activate Worpdress


Verified User
Jul 31, 2022

What are the criteria for the plugin, the extension of Wordpress to be activated in the panel?

Hello @johannes

I come back to the activation of wp-cli which is active is install, but deactivate in my panel area on DA.

I have restarted DA, without success.

Even clamd is active and deactivated in my area is checked in the options of my reseller account.

Surprising no?

OK, make sure your user's package in DirectAdmin includes the feature, and you use an Evolution skin with default settings.

In case you use a customized Evolution skin make sure that user's menu includes showing the WP and ClamAV options. Check it at a reseller's level.

If you use another skin, you will need to switch to the "Evolution".
I was too fast in thanking you, after reactivating the module, my sites are presented as installation of worpdress, and not as sites already installed and configured.
What do you mean? Do you mean DirectAdmin does not see WP sites installed manually, not by DirectAdmin module?
We will say that yes, in the without that I have just installed a new site transfer is it tells me that nothing is installed.

You are right @zEitEr, it seems that we have a bug in the without that when I make a command with wp, it displays an error:

Could not open input file: /usr/local/bin/wp

Trouble with @zEitEr file permission ?

If so, I did this

chmod 0755 wp

To make it excusable, it is surely that?

Yours truly

PS: I confirm, it was indeed that
