I have a 256 MB RAM VPS with DA Panel and VZPP ..
we are running forums on it ...
The problem is of resource outrage ...
1) today server MYSQL stopped working and we have to reboot it ..
The error seen in VZPP panel was .... numfile was in black zone .....
2) in Services panel of DA ... i see too many mysql and httpd PID;s opened ...
is that normal ?
Kindly help ........ why are so many mysql PID;s opened together ? and how can i make my server back to normal
I have a 256 MB RAM VPS with DA Panel and VZPP ..
we are running forums on it ...
The problem is of resource outrage ...
1) today server MYSQL stopped working and we have to reboot it ..
The error seen in VZPP panel was .... numfile was in black zone .....
2) in Services panel of DA ... i see too many mysql and httpd PID;s opened ...
is that normal ?
Service Status Start Stop Restart Reload
directadmin directadmin (pid 24356 30610 30615 30616 30618 30635 ) Start Stop Restart Reload
exim exim (pid 24445 ) Start Stop Restart Reload
httpd httpd (pid 19574 3577 3583 3587 3596 3604 3776 3832 3833 3852 3853 3854 3855 3888 3889 3890 3891 3892 3893 3894 3895 ) Start Stop Restart Reload
mysqld mysqld (pid 24183 24215 24216 24545 24575 25801 25805 26167 29735 3762 7742 28140 28198 28207 28215 28234 28237 28247 28259 28269 28298 28307 28316 28438 28476 28478 28479 28480 28503 28513 28558 28618 29719 29743 29777 29780 29784 29805 29813 29815 29823 29824 29829 29847 29849 20417 20431 20432 20433 20446 20451 20459 20466 20474 21505 21512 21515 21524 21534 21612 21628 21629 21669 21672 21673 21738 21767 21782 21813 21814 21818 21834 21856 21879 21906 21926 ) Start Stop
named named (pid 23997 ) Start Stop Restart Reload
proftpd proftpd (pid 24455 ) Start Stop Restart
sshd sshd (pid 24119 28661 ) Start Stop Restart Reload
vm-pop3d vm-pop3d (pid 24495 24498 24499 24500 24504 24505 24506 24507 24508 30284 17487 ) Start Stop Restart
Kindly help ........ why are so many mysql PID;s opened together ? and how can i make my server back to normal