Torrentflux bandwidth control


Verified User
Oct 31, 2006
Allen, TX
Hi, I installed torrentflux on my box to seed some linux distributions (got over 1TB of montly bandwidth unused and have no better idea to use it)

I liked the idea of using a specific domain as to control the bandwidth usage and be able to put a limit on it.

Yet after 2 days running it, it appears that DA is unable to count the bandwidth usage, which worries me as it could be used to abuse the bandwidth of a server.

Any ideas on how to control that?

DirectAdmin cannot monitor any services it doesn't install (it has to parse logs and count up the bytes)
The only way it would be able to do that for "any" service would be with a new customized kernel and we can't really do that, it's way out of the scope.

If your program does have bytes logs for it's usage, then in theory you'd be able to take the bytes entries for that user, and put them into:
with type=other, and then it would be counted by DA, but without specifically telling DA what was used, it would have no way of knowing.
