Track all bandwith on linux


Verified User
Nov 16, 2010
I would like to ask how can i track and log all possible ingoing and outgoing bandwidth on my linux server. Last month my bandwidth has increased double and now i received invoice for overbandwith. I watched all logs for possible bandwith usage but i didn't noticed anything strange.

Is there a way to track all possible ingoing and outgoing connections and sort them some way by port, usage, bandwith, ip's, etc...

Something that would help me discover where and who is using my bandwith on server.

There are a lot of different solutions: from simple iptables/ipfw counters, till paid software. So you should Google it for a solution which would suit you the most.
Why dont you install cacti and setup snmp on your server. You could also make scripts that grab data and inject them into cacti as well.