Training on scripts in DA?


Verified User
Jul 25, 2005
I see various threads regarding upgrading things via custom scripts by logging in as root to those libs, and executing them, etc. Also ones called customapache. Also ones via the ports. But I don't see any training anywhere on the DirectAdmin site on any of those, or even pointing out they are available. Where is the doc on using this stuff? Thanks in advance.
Once you become a trained system administrator you know all this stuff :) .

I recommend finding a good systems administration book, and keeping a working copy of the same distribution of linux/unix you use on your servers, on a system at your home or office, while you learn by experimentation.

Thanks for the reply and information. However, not all my questions are so general here. One specific question, for example, is the customapache script that is discussed in several threads and is in the directadmin libs. However, it is hard to believe DirectAdmin would put this there without some reference to it in their own documentation as available for use. I have reviewed all links in the web site, but this is not discussed anywhere. Is there some documentation I am not seeing on the DirectAdmin site, or a manual they have?
The customapache script is a script that executes several other scripts, it's not rocket science and as a systems administrator you should not require full documentation for such a simple script. Having said that I can understand that people with less experience could have problems understanding how the script functions...

Basically you have a configure.php file where you change settings, this is used mainly for the PHP install but is also used by the customapache script for configuring other applications. If you look at the customapache script you'll see in the top it has all the versions of the applications it should install. If you want a different version you simply change the version number here and execute customapache to install the new version.

If you have more questions please do not hesitate to ask them on this forum, we're all here to help :)


PS. All you guru's out there, if I made a mistake or missed something in my description please feel free to add and comment to the description above :)