Transfer Accounts from DA to another DA Server


Verified User
Nov 6, 2005
Dear Users,

How can i transfer all my DA accounts from my old server to another DA Server ?

Best Regards.

Dear Jeff,

Thats fine but you may give some good results. Because i could not able to find good links.

Best Regards.

Dear matrixx,

Thanks for the reply but i can not understand this :( I need some one to help me with this issue :)

Best Regards.
I PM'd you my msn

But.. Help on these forums is free and there maybe others in the same boat as you that would benefit from seeing where you are struggling and how you get around the problem.


Dear matrixx,

Yes, I can understand this :)

basically i want to know is there any thing equivalent like WHM/Cpanel have account transfer from remote server thingy ?

Best Regards.
I can't compare DA with WHM/CPanel because I've never used WHM/CPanel.

I understand the urge to compare systems.

In fact I wrote a college thesis (in the 60s) on the subject of "Learning as a function of Differentiation".

That said, I think you'd be much better off looking at DA as DA, and not trying to compare it to other platforms.

It's easy enough to move a complete reseller from one system to another.

Good request, but I'm the wrong person (I don't work for the company) and this is the wrong place to ask.


You can post in Feature Requests and you can send an email to the sales department.

Jeff's how to move a user from one server to another..

1) On the OLD SERVER:

- Log into DA
- Go to the Backup/Restore feature
- Make sure all checkboxes are checked
- Create a backup
- When complete Click on link to download it or FTP in and download from the /home/<username>/backups folder

2) On the NEW SERVER:

- Create a new account and make sure the username is the SAME AS ON THE OLD SERVER...this is IMPORTANT!
- Log into the new account and go to the Backup/Restore feature and create a backup. Why? Just a simple way to create the /backup folder.
- FTP into the new account and go to the /home/<username>/backups folder and delete the backup that just got created (theres nothing really in it anyway).
- Upload the backup from the OLD SERVER to the backup folder
- Go back into the NEW SERVERS Backup/Restore function and select the backup from the dropdown (bottom of page) and click the RESTORE button.
- On next page make sure all checkboxes are checked (Some may be greyed out..that just means theres no data for that area, like if you had no databases on the old acct)

And that's it. Site will be recreated in full, email, forwards, databases, html, settings, etc.

Whole process can take less then 10mins. And don't forget to update your nameservers.

Dear sullise,

Thanks alot. I will try this and if i got any difficulties i will let you know :)

Best Regards.