Transfer hashed password from other system


Verified User
Oct 15, 2005
Hi all,

I would like to transfer a number of clients from 3.7 Ensim to DA and would like to know how to 'save' the user passwords in the process.

I have read some posts that suggest to copy-paste the hashed password into the DA /etc/passwd file and/or the /home/<user>/.shadow.

I tried this, but the password was not recognised when trying to log in afterwards.

Questions I have:

1 - do I copy-paste the password to these two files (only)?
2 - does this cover control panel, (web)mail, ftp and shell?
3 - how do I make sure these files are read (normally when logging in, isn't it? So I should not need to restart anything?)

Any experiences or thoughts are greatly appreciated, thanks!

Kind regards,

You should of course only copy the password part of the respective line. For the main domain account the password should be pasted into the /etc/shadow file between the first : and the second :, and for the virtual email accounts, etc., into the same position in the /etc/virtual/EXAMPLE.COM/passwd file (where EXAMPLE.COM should be replaced by the domain name).

I'm not sure what the /home/USERNAME/.shadow file is for, perhaps someone else will be able to tell us.

Note also that if you really pasted hashwords into the /etc/passwd file you should remove them and replace them with the lower case x character as they were originally, to ensure system security.

Thanks for you swift reply Jeff. I was a little hasty when I wrote /etc/passwd, I meant the shadow file (there are no passwords in passwd). Thanks for correcting me on that.

You enlightened me greatly by pointed out to me where I missed a beat: to modify the file in /etc/virtual/ and not the one straight in /home/<user>/.shadow

Perhaps someone else can indeed explain what the purpose of that file is.

Thanks again,
