Transfer to Root


Verified User
Sep 1, 2004
I no all you are going to think this is a stupid question but here it goes.
We want to do some updated on the server, but need to no how to get the scripts up to Root of the server so we can unpack or etc if there are no wget's to do it?

I have done it on the cpanel servers np, but having a major problem here with DA and I am still trying to learn Da so need some simple help here.

wget should be in /usr/bin/ by default. Try changing your path to include /usr/bin and see if that doesn't help your updates.



Misunderstanding, I am just meaning in general, how do you transfer a script upto root if you can't use wget? Say you have a file you need to upload to root how do you get there?

Maybe that explains my problem better.

I guess I'm having problems understanding why the user "root" seems to be someone other than you.

Try ftp username root
Try sftp username root
Try scp username root

Either way your going to need the root password or a ssh certificate that only root could have set.

Question, is it safe to assume that you have no way to login to this server?
Yes I can login into the server by root SSH np.

What I don't understand on how to get a file in to the main server directory so we can unpack it.

That is the only problem we have here.

Once we figure this out problem solved.

--- Richard
You don't want to unpack a file in the root (/) directory.

cd /tmp/
ftp or sftp to the server that has the files
mget or get those files

unzip, tar, or whatever you need to do from there, but it the /tmp/ directory, not the root directory.

oh, and if your not having a problem with the file transfer, but just finding it in the wrong directory on the server once its transfered, try the cp command, short for copy.

cd /home/someone/mydirectory (or whatever)

cp source_file /tmp/
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