

Verified User
Aug 3, 2006
Has anybody ever had an issue with a server transfer where if you try to restore a user everything appears to go fine but the domains themselves do not get restored? All the files, MySQL, etc. is restored, but DA thinks there are 0 domains. /usr/local/directadmin/data/users doesn't have any domain data for that user either.

I have two servers setup via multi-server in DA and we are moving an account from one server to another. It doesn't appear to make a difference if we disable multi-server or if we disable the "Domain Check" option.

Furthermore, it doesn't appear to be anything related to that specific user's backup, as we tried another and got the same results.

Both servers have the latest stable version of DA.

I have already contacted [email protected] and I am awaiting a response - but I thought I'd post this here to see if anyone else has experienced this.

Thank you,
Figured it out. It was tripping on the fact that there was a DNS zone existing for a domain that it had to restore...