translate directadmin


Verified User
Jul 24, 2009
I want translate the directadmin panel to another language,Is this possible? and how ? or where can i find the language files to edit it?
Cpanel and plesk Available in all languages .
thank you very much!
hi massive and thank you
i did this steps:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/enhanced/lang
cp -R en yours
chown -R diradmin:diradmin *
chmod -R 755 *
Where yours is the name of the language you want to use.

2) go into yours and edit all files to show the text you want your language to have.

3) From the User Panel, go to "Site Summary / Statistics / Logs" and select your new language.
its ok!

sorrey,how can i do this step:
2) go into yours and edit all files to show the text you want your language to have.
thank you
please i am anew user and iwant know what is the next step now? imean give me please the commands to edit my new languae file
thank you
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If you're not familiar with any 'nix based text editors you need to choose one and learn one. Many people recommend vim. I use joe.

Find one and experiment on a linux build at home (you can get a live CD ISO from

hi jlasman thank you
my friend said i need to use software to download the language file first from ssh!
which software that?
about editor ,ihave anotepad++
If you're going to work on your local system (MS Windows?) then you can use NotePad. You can use either FTP or SCP to get software off your server, but you should not use FTP to get files from either root or admin, as you don't want to expose those passwords, and FTP does not encrypt. You can use SCP securely.

If you're using FTP you must use ascii download and upload because line-endings in Linux/Unix and MS Windows are different and the ascii filetype will make the changes automatically. Otherwise your uploaded files won't work.

I only use Linux on the desktop so I don't recommend either FTP or SCP clients for Windows, but I know they exist.
