trasfer accounts

Could you explain how that function works in cpanel, since I and others on these forums have probably never used cPane.

I assume it's something more than being able to create a backup, uploading to the new server and then just restoring.
I think he means that one accounts haves the rights to FXP.

FXP is a method where you can directly sent your files to another server, without downloading them first. So you can reach speeds up to a couple of MB's per seconds. It saves you a lot of time when you have to move a complete website.

Im searching for this option too.
So like the backup manager in the reseller level which allows you to save files to an off-server location via ftp only also for the user level?
I dont know that function.
But it is like downloading from a ftp, but without downloading it to your own pc first, you directly sent it to another FTP.

so you have 2 FTP connections open at 1 time.

only then trough the direct-admin panel i think
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In cPanel you can trasfer accounts to your own/another server,
including all settings like mail, ftp, cron ect.

It works as follows:
I log in to the webhost manager of my cpanel server.
I transfer accounts; I can choose between downloading the account via cpanel or via another server.
I choose for download a account of an other cpanel server.
Give the IP, username and password and click on transfer this account to this server.

Now the other server will make a complete backup of this account.
the (new) server will download this backup, unzip the backup and install it on the new server.
It will also change the dns settings to the new server.

Now I have to change the nameservers of this domainname in the domain registrar in order to have the domainname directed to the new server.
It's really easy in cpanel to transfer accounts to another server.
You can also transfer all accounts to a other server with the root access.
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So basically all that would be required is a compatible API command on the responding server and a user interface (or plugin) on the receiving server?

However it would require certain precautions/checks if the two servers are running different Operating Systems which could be a problem since there are some structural differences, however I think it would be doable.
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