New install of DA on a new CentOS 7 server.
pecl upgrade: is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen. is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen.
upgrade failed
Googling that error suggests that the solution is "pear upgrade". However:
pear upgrade:
downloading Archive_Tar-1.4.4.tgz ...
Starting to download Archive_Tar-1.4.4.tgz (20,886 bytes)
........done: 20,886 bytes
Could not delete /usr/local/lib/php/Archive/Tar.php, cannot rename /usr/local/lib/php/Archive/.tmpTar.php
ERROR: commit failed
Googling that comes up blank. Anybody have any suggestions?
pecl upgrade: is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen. is using a unsupported protocol - This should never happen.
upgrade failed
Googling that error suggests that the solution is "pear upgrade". However:
pear upgrade:
downloading Archive_Tar-1.4.4.tgz ...
Starting to download Archive_Tar-1.4.4.tgz (20,886 bytes)
........done: 20,886 bytes
Could not delete /usr/local/lib/php/Archive/Tar.php, cannot rename /usr/local/lib/php/Archive/.tmpTar.php
ERROR: commit failed
Googling that comes up blank. Anybody have any suggestions?