Trouble With ProFTPD integration For Centovacast


Verified User
Jun 22, 2009
Hello fello DA users,
I was wondering, has anyone here installed Centovacast on a DirectAdmin server and gotten ProFTPD integration to work with Centovacast? I'm running the latest version of Centovacast on my CentOS5 server, but proFTPD integration fails with an error.
The exact error is:
ERROR: Your ProFTPd installation is already setup to authenticate against
another user list.
The full context of the error is:
Configuring ProFTPd ...
ERROR: Your ProFTPd installation is already setup to authenticate against
another user list. If you have previously installed Centova Cast on this
server, this is harmless -- you can ignore this message and FTP integration
will work fine.
If you are using other software on this server (such as the DirectAdmin
web hosting control panel) which uses ProFTPd's AuthUserFile feature,
proceeding would break the existing integration mechanism, so Centova
Cast FTP integration has been aborted.
I attached my virtual host configuration file, named proftpd.centovacast.txt. Hopefully I configured things right, but according to Centovacast, apparently not.
I'm trying to use passwd auth, but I don't know why integration is failing as I've setup a virtual host in the above file name.
I've assigned admin a second IP, switched a domain over to that IP, and added the second IP address as virtual host in the conf file.


All that is needed is AuthUserFile.

        ServerName              "ProFTPd"
        ExtendedLog             /var/log/proftpd/ WRITE,READ userlog
        AuthUserFile            /home/centovacast/passwd


Crontab from /etc/crontab:

*/5 * * * * admin /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/centovacast/centovacast-userdump.php /home/centovacast/passwd /home/centovacast/group

This is all I use.
All that is needed is AuthUserFile.

        ServerName              "ProFTPd"
        ExtendedLog             /var/log/proftpd/ WRITE,READ userlog
        AuthUserFile            /home/centovacast/passwd


Crontab from /etc/crontab:

*/5 * * * * admin /usr/local/bin/php -q /home/centovacast/centovacast-userdump.php /home/centovacast/passwd /home/centovacast/group

This is all I use.

Ok. That's fine. So I was wrong in setting up a public IP address then for the virtual host?
As well, I added the cron task you said to centovacast's crontab beforehand, perhaps that's why it didn't work. It needs to be added to /etc/crontab? oops.
This virtual host example, do I put it in proftpd.conf, or remove what's in my existing proftpd.centovacast.conf and put it in there??
Also, how did you figure out that the cron task was to go into /etc/crontab by chance? The Centovacast manual says nothing about putting anything in /etc/crontab, so I assumed wrongly, apparently, that the job was to go under the user centovacast runs under, which is, by default the Unix user of centovacast.
I'll try your suggestions, and thanks.
Also, will I need to make any symlinks to the user's media directory in the user's default web hosting directory? And if so, how would I go about it?
When I do the suggestion and FTP into the server, it says no server is available to service your request.
As well, when the cron job you gave runs in /etc/crontab, it gives the error:
Error creating temporary file /home/centovacast/passwdc11bff7de6915a56f83858c9774906bd
Not sure what to do about that.
This is running off of a centos operating system.
I've resolved the cron job error. Running under admin wouldn't work for some reason, so I just changed the instance of admin to centovacast and that fixed it. Regarding ProFTPD, I changed to a public IP address on my server and integration is working properly now.
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As I just wrote in another thread, to the OS, admin is just a regular unprivileged user.
