

Verified User
Oct 12, 2004
Where is the master version of u_welcome.txt stored?
There is an anoying spelling mistake in mine and I can't seem to find it to correct the mistake.

Thank you for chosing our service.
should be
Thank you for choosing our service.
/usr/local/directadmin somewhere in that directory. But its easier to edit the email template thats sent out for new users through DirectAdmin. When on the create a user page, there is a link at the bottom next to the checkmark to send the user welcome letter, clicking on it will open another window to edit the template.
Yes, I know about that window. But I want to correct the master so it doesn't have to be edited every time a new reseller is created.

It seems that this template is built into the DA binary. Can anyone confirm if that is so?

Thank you for making us a partner in your web hosting venture.

Thank you for making us a partner in your web hosting venture.

u_welcome.txt doesn't seem to appear anywhere in human readbale format
[xxxxx@xxxxx root]# locate _welcome

Yes, but these


are only created when a new reseller account is created - with the wrong spelling. I am looking for the master version that these are created from. I don't think it is very professional to offer a new reseller something with a spelling mistake and ask them to change it!

The master is hardcoded *but* if you want a custom one, you can just create:


and fill it in however you want. Once created all new resellers will get that one instead. To go back to the default, just delete it.

btw, thanks, I've fixed the error ;)
