ubuntu 11 / Debian 7 Support


Verified User
Dec 11, 2008
there is any estimate date for ubuntu11 / Debian7 Support in DirectAdmin?

Best Regards,
Star Network.
They seem to have an interesting design goal. Perhaps great for developers, perhaps a security nightmare for single-purpose servers. It all depends on how they implement it.


I'm not sure what you mean by Ubuntu 11. Do you mean either of the 2011 releases? Personally I'd skip directly to 12.04, out already, and a Long Term Support release.

However, note that DirectAdmin doesn't support Ubuntu separately, but rather, it works on the Debian install. Since Ubuntu builds from Debian's not-yet-stable releases (do they still do that?) Ubuntu could be a bit long in the tooth by the time it gets support.

Question for Ubuntu users: I've seen a lot of design decisions recently showing that Ubuntu is going it's own way on the Desktop (I'm switching back to Kubuntu this week); are they doing the same on the server edition?

Yes, I did something stupid.
I upgraded my server to the new stable release, i.e. the Debian 7 distribution with the new 3.2 kernel

Reversing to Debian 6 is not an option.
Now not only DA is not working any more , but I also experience difficulties with pure ftp, dovecot and exim, I guess because of the way the custom build script installed the applications instead of using the Debian repo

I wonder if DirectAdmin could give us a timeframe when to expect a Debian 7 compatible build script and a DA which is not using static linked libs anymore for compiling.

If the timeframe is a year, I would have no other option than to install a new server from scratch with Debian 6 and move all data from the old server.
This would be my last resort. I rather wait for a DA upgrade if we can expect something withinh the next coming month....
Build correct for debian 7.1


i found a error on the build file, its for libpcap package, he don't look in the good place, so i correct it on line 7643 :

-- if [ ! -e /lib/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib64/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcap.so ]; then

++ if [ ! -e /lib/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib64/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcap.so ]; then

And after everything ok.

I will let you know all feedbacks about debian 7 and patches i do.


Sorry was a error post


i found a error on the build file, its for libpcap package, he don't look in the good place, so i correct it on line 7643 :

-- if [ ! -e /lib/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib64/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcap.so ]; then

++ if [ ! -e /lib/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib64/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libcap.so ] && [ ! -e /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libpcap.so ]; then

And after everything ok.

I will let you know all feedbacks about debian 7 and patches i do.
