Unable to access control panel


New member
Feb 15, 2007
When i go to the "mydomainname:2222" I received the normal Unable to display page.
What could be the problem
Most browsers have no idea which protocol to use for port 2222, so you have to specify the protocol, as quackweb pointed out.

When i go to the "mydomainname:2222" I received the normal Unable to display page.
What could be the problem

I'm having the same issue, any update on what the fix was?

Installed on Fedora 6
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Internet explorer can't handle the syntax. Make sure you put http:// in the front of your domain.com:2222 bit.

or, if DA itself isn't accessible:


Thank you for the help....

In the error log it says the ip is different then the one on my license....

The ip I entered during the install is the same one in my license, so I'm stumped.

any ideas?

Sorry I'm new to linux and DA.
Here is the exact error from the log

2007:02:24-00:49:11: ioctl can't find the server's ip address for eth0
2007:02:24-00:49:12: The ip of this machine () does not match the ip in the license file.
R1Lover, you'll probably get a faster response if you write to DA support.
