Unable to add new users


Verified User
Oct 14, 2003
I have been trying for 2 days to add new users and modify existing users on my DA server and I keep getting errors saying that the domain or user name already exists - even though it is not displayed in the user list. Or it will timeout trying to add a new user.

I tried to send several messages to Admin help and it says it is timeing out.

I also tried to go to the help and customer service live chat and it all says it is "offline".

Can anybody PLEASE help me out with this.

Thanks in advance.
Your best bet is emailing DirectAdmin support.

Have you checked DirectAdmin's data files and verified that the users do not exist?
DA data files?

How do I look at DA's data files?

Also, I have emailed DA in the past (to be exact 5 times asking for assistance) and I still haven't heard back from them - that was 8 months ago. Not a very good customer service I would say.
Just tried something else

I just tried setting up a new user with fake data and i got the confirmation email from DA saying it was setup, but the user panel does not show the fake user. Maybe the server is not updating the user panel.

Any suggestions on how to combat this prolem? Again, thanks in advance for any replies and help.
uable to create new users

Thank you for the suggestion. Please give me step by step tp access the directory you posted in the last reply. Thank you.
emailing for support

I just sent out an email requesting support to DA at the email address you provided. I'll let you know if I get a reply.
