Unable to build zstd from CB


Verified User
Feb 22, 2006
Latest DA and CB versions installed but unable to perform:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build zstd
Try this.
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build update
./build set_fastest

if that still works. Be sure anyway that in options.conf you're now on files.directadmin.com as mirror.
./build update
and try the build of zstd again.

Does that work?
what's error ?
You report problem without posting some error message. How can I help you .?
2943 - Remove freetype/zstd from the components list.
2943? Can't see what version we are now, they removed the version number and it only says 2.0.0 now.

It was added not long ago in 1.61.4
and in 1.62 it's even set by default to zstd.

So what happens to that? Or is it installed via the OS nowadays?

Anyway, if it's removed, then the build info also be removed from the docs too.

@scriptkitty ?
maybe it same thing with lua, they remove from component list, but it still install from OS Package.
When checking the build script I can see it's installed via the package manager of the OS when Dovecot is build.
It's an OS install indeed, however... the ./build zstd should be removed from the docs anyway, because that doesn't work anymore.

But @Remco00 what's the problem with it? As it should be installed already.
Its part of the pre installed software, mentioned here
I was confused installing a new server and following the suggested commands in the DA docs. Indeed zstd is pre installed but it would be nice if DA will update the docs making changes like this along the way.
I was confused installing a new server and following the suggested commands in the DA docs. Indeed zstd is pre installed but it would be nice if DA will update the docs making changes like this along the way.
Docs have been updated. May you let us know which one did you try to follow?
May you let us know which one did you try to follow?
The one that's removed now with the doc update.
It's in his first post. The ./build zstd command. ;)

Out of curiosity, does Scripkitty not maintain docs anymore? Or isn't she available for some reason?
Should we report needed doc changes to you?
Correct, I've seen that, but thats the feature of a version release history. There are many version releases which have features mentioned which are not available anymore. It would be undoable to remove them all.
Next to that you loose oversight what has been changed in the past. So that's why the docs are and should be leading. Not older changelogs.