Unable to connect to directadmin


Verified User
Feb 6, 2012

First off - I am quite useless in SSH, so if a solution to my problem is found by connecting through SSH - Putty - please give a thorough explanation :)

Yesterday I messed up in my attempt to set up Teamspeak on my VPS server - resulting in MySQL falling flat. My dear host guy got that bit sorted - and my sites run fine again.

However I am no longer able to to connect to DirectAdmin on "myip":2222

What can I do to get this sorted again? I will be eternally grateful if anyone is able to help me out. If that help comes with a price, let me know the cost - and I will see if I can afford it.

Thank you a million times in advance!
You don't say what error message you're getting, or if you're just getting a timeout.

If you're still having a problem then it may be firewall related.

Try shell login as root; if it doesn't work, then as admin and then su to root:
$ su -
(note: the $ means non root user; you do not type it. Below the # means root user; you do not type it)
Then if you've got CentOS or Red Hat:
service iptables stop
I don't know how to turn off the firewall if you're running other versions of Linux or FreeBSD; in that case ask someone else.

If you can reach the server now, then the problem was a firewall issue, but depending on how your firewall was set up, turning it back on again may cause the problem.

And you do need a firewall so be sure to write again if that's the case.
