So i installed directadmin on this subdomain
I followed the docs https://docs.directadmin.com/other-hosting-services/email/perfect-email-setup.html
Now my ssl isnt being taken i get this error:
Unable to connect with STARTTLS: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`directadmin.domainname.com' did not match expected CN=`mail.server.domainname.com'
Here are my dns config and directadmin ssl screenshot.
The ssl shows invalid on admin dashboard can i force directadmin to use a wildcard ssl isseued by cloudflare
So i installed directadmin on this subdomain
I followed the docs https://docs.directadmin.com/other-hosting-services/email/perfect-email-setup.html
Now my ssl isnt being taken i get this error:
Unable to connect with STARTTLS: stream_socket_enable_crypto(): Peer certificate CN=`directadmin.domainname.com' did not match expected CN=`mail.server.domainname.com'
Here are my dns config and directadmin ssl screenshot.
The ssl shows invalid on admin dashboard can i force directadmin to use a wildcard ssl isseued by cloudflare