Unable to install, issues connecting to


New member
Aug 26, 2009
The DirectAdmin installer is having problems connecting to DirectAdmin's servers. It is unable to reach which we have confirmed from two different locations as being offline.

A traceroute shows the connection stopping within the tera-byte.com network. The hop is cat6509-vlan300.edm.tera-byte.com [].
The fact that you posted this on the forum contradicts your statement since the forum is on the ip you say cannot be reached,
Thank you for pointing that out, and I apologize for the oversight.

Please let me be more specific:

--05:43:50--  https://www.directadmin.com/cgi-bin/daupdate?uid=*****&lid=*****
Resolving www.directadmin.com...
Connecting to www.directadmin.com||:443... failed: Connection timed out.

--05:47:00--  (try: 2)  https://www.directadmin.com/cgi-bin/daupdate?uid=*****&lid=*****
Connecting to www.directadmin.com||:443...

Specifically port 443. We are able to connect to the IP on 80. Firewall is not blocking outbound ports.
Works fine here...

There must be a firewall or something blocking your connection somewhere.
you can check it also if from terminal.
open a secure page through lynx
A traceroute shows the connection stopping within the tera-byte.com network. The hop is cat6509-vlan300.edm.tera-byte.com [].

It sounds like one of those global routing issues that tend to occur randomly and for no real reason. If your server has more than one IP try to traceroute with another one. In the mean time, if your sure that tera-byte.com is halting your packets you could try contacting them but you may just have to wait until it frees up.