Unable to install...


Verified User
Feb 16, 2006
I'm getting an error when I run setup.sh...

01:38:06 (14.31 MB/s) - `/usr/local/directadmin/update.tar.gz' saved [45]

You are not authorized to download the update package with that client id and license id for this IP address. Please email [email][email protected][/email]

I'm not sure why...my license says its active, the IP and domain info is correct, but can't get it to install... :(
email the address provided in the error message and search the forums. You are not the first user to get this and you will definately not be the last.

There are several possibilites:
1. You have mistyped your lid and uid
2. The IP address in your license does not match what your server is actually running
That could be due to
A. You entered the wrong IP when you purchased your license.
B. You are attempting to run your server using NAT even though it clearly says on the requirements page (or installation page) whatever that your server must be connected to the outside world directly.
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