Unable to logon as user after restore


Verified User
Dec 13, 2007

I am in the process of moving from a DirectAdmin reseller account to a dedicated server where I have full admin rights in DirectAdmin.

On the new server I have created a new reseller (different name than old server) and under this reseller account restored a user account from my old server. Everthing works fine except that from within the reseller account I can no longer logon to the user account (without entering the users password), it brings me to the logon screen. If I enter the user name and password of the user account I can logon okay. It is just the automatic logon that doesn't work.

Old server -> DirectAdmin v1.26.6
New server -> DirectAdmin v1.31.4

Any tips on how to further troubleshoot this problem or what might be causing it would be greatly appreciated.


Most likely cause is that DirectAdmin only stores session information two levels deep.

You can log in as admin, then log in as reseller without re-entering a password, or you can log in as admin and then log in as user without re-entering a password, but once you've logged in as admin and then logged in as reseller without entering a password, to log in from there to user you'll have to enter the password.

Thanks Jeff, that is exactly what the problem was. When I log in as the reseller it works perfectly :)


Note you can also login this way:

User name: admin|username
Password: adminpassword

This will actually do a two-step login; first logging you in as admin, and then logging you in as username. You don't have to know the user's password (or reseller password if doing this for a reseller) this way, and when you log out of the user/reseller level you're back in the admin level just as if you'd have logged in that way yourself.

Resellers can log directly into their users' accounts the same way using their reseller login name followed by the | pipe symbol and their user's login name, and then their reseller login password.
