Unable to restore database ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied ... gzip: stdout: Broken pipe


Verified User
Dec 8, 2013
I have tried to restore mysql backup file made on different DirectAdmin server (made using DA mysql backup function). On source server is MariaDB and on destination is MySQL. So in databases section of the destination DA account i have clicked to Upload backup, added databasename.gz file and selected "Your current login information", result:

Unable to restore database user_dbname : ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'user'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
gzip: stdout: Broken pipe

happen repeatedly... I am user, not admin.
After i have found that database login data and entered these manually, then it worked without error. So how to discover detail about this bug. I suppose that DA should be able to restore DB without need from user to search for their credentials and adding it manually.

DirectAdmin 1.63.7
MySQL 5.7.36
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Then they have to come here for support, this forum is only for admin en partial resellers, so DA customers, not end customers of hosters. Not even with bugs (if it's even bugs), because even to investigate this, it needs system access. So root access which a hosting user does not have anyway.

It's logical this error occurs when the correct database and username does not exist or is wrongly entered. But that's all I can say about it.
Hoster should fix this themselves and give better info and support to you.