Unable to show log, You do not own that domain


Verified User
Apr 5, 2021
I get a orange message popup that says "Unable to show log, You do not own that domain" when I try to view two of my subdomain usage and error logs. Out of 4 subdomains, two do this and the other two are fine.

I don't know how to fix it. ?‍♂️

Help is appreciated.
I can see all the domains on the server in DirectAdmin and I don't see any duplicates. I have no subdomain name of the same on any other domain. If there is some file to look at via SSH terminal, I wouldn't know where to look. Thank you.
Not too sure about what might be wrong. But will it work if you temporary change the skin to Enhanced for the effected user. At least you can make sure it is not a skin-related issue.
It must be somethig to do with the skin causing it, because the logs can be accessed with the Enhanced skin.
It is caused by the subdomains having dots in them.

You can't create domain.tld then add somethig like foo.bar to it, you have to make subdomain bar.domain.tld first, then make sub domain foo.bar.domain.tld. However this is to be fixed in the next version so it works without doing the later routine.
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