Undelivered Mail Returned to Sender


Verified User
Jan 31, 2018
Hi All,

One of my clients just reported that his mails are rejected on my server with the following error:

This message was created automatically by mail delivery software.
A message that you sent could not be delivered to one or more of its
recipients. This is a permanent error.

[email protected], ERROR CODE :550 - Your message to <[email protected]>
was classified as SPAM. Please add
more content, cut down on HTML links, use fewer
naughty words etc. Also,
ask your IT dept to make sure your mailserver has
and is not on any black lists. Your score: 160

I'm using rspamd. How can I add client' domain @xx.pl to whitelist to accept his mails?

One of my clients just reported that his mails are rejected on my server
I don't quite get this. You say it's one of your clients, but is he sending from another mailserver then or something?
Is he using the correct mail server settings?

Because it's refused with a very high score. So if he's sending from or via your server, then your server is configured badly.
If he is sending from another server to you, they you in fact should not whitelist him, but he should get his server fixed decently.

You can ofcourse whitelist, which I would not advise in this case, however it's your choice.

You could try to add his email address into the /etc/virtual/whitelist_senders and maybe also /etc/virtual/whitelist_hosts_ip files. Last one for the ip he sends his mail from.
Restart Exim afterwards just to be sure.
Hi Richard,

I had a closer look and now it's fixed.
The client is sites & shops on my server whereas mailserver is hosted outside. There were still old, no longer valid DKIM entries in DNS on my server side.
After their removal and syncing zoho-cloudflare dkim entry => the problem is solved.

so in fact, it was an incomplete (incorrect) mail server move from my to zoho.
