uninstaal DA


Verified User
Jan 18, 2006
Hello1 I have question. I'm Have high load avarage from 1 to 26.
Some good tech can do for me tunning for server. But he sayd with panel cant more make.
I have question how can i uninstaal direct admin
If you want to change control panel, i guess you should make backups of your data and make a OS Reload. Although, i already have CPanel, Plesk, Confixx and Directadmin is very stable, easy to use, and there is no restriction to 'tunning' your server.

You can also post here the results of 'top' command. It will show us what's causing the high loads.
There's no uninstall script for DA.

You can stop DA and you can disable the startup script for it.

To completely uninstall it you can delete the various directory paths that DA creates, but you'll lose the entire ability to manage your domains, and unless you're careful you'll lose your sites' email and possibly their websites as well.

Be careful.
