Unique or custom Icon for Plugins in DirectAdmin user panel


Verified User
Oct 3, 2016

I installed 3 to 4 plugins but each plugin have same default logo, It would be good If we can either set custom logo or default logo provided by plugin providers.

Just assume that each icon have same logo then it will be difficult for customer to choose it quickly.

I Have try this method and work for unique plugin icon

Directadmin Plugin saved on /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/plugin_name
and unique icon should saved as:

For the example, if you wish to create unique icon for LVE Manager, you should save your icon in:
(Available on admin and reseller level)

For CLoudlinux PHP Selector (only available in user level), save your icon at:
Directadmin Plugin saved on /usr/local/directadmin/plugins/plugin_name
and unique icon should saved as:

For the example, if you wish to create unique icon for LVE Manager, you should save your icon in:
(Available on admin and reseller level)

For CLoudlinux PHP Selector (only available in user level), save your icon at:

Thank you mastah :o
In the same context; I want to integrate the rainloop icon in the DirectAdmin user panel (in Extra Features) but I can not find it in the folder where rainloop is installed (/var/www/html/rainloop/).
All help is welcome.
How to Add Rainloop Icon in Extra Features

In the same context; I want to integrate the rainloop icon in the DirectAdmin user panel (in Extra Features) but I can not find it in the folder where rainloop is installed (/var/www/html/rainloop/).
All help is welcome.

To add Rainloop icon, you can do the followong step:
1. copy rainloop icon to evolution skin directory:
cp /var/www/html/rainloop/rainloop/v/1.13.0/static/apple-touch-icon.png /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/evolution/assets/img/rainloop.png
2. Goto MEnu Customize evolution skin, and click extra features category
3. in add Entry form, choice link and click add entry button
4. Fill the form with the following :
Name: Rainloop Webmail
icon: /assets/img/rainloop.png

5. Click save

To add Rainloop icon, you can do the followong step:
1. copy rainloop icon to evolution skin directory:
cp /var/www/html/rainloop/rainloop/v/1.13.0/static/apple-touch-icon.png /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/evolution/assets/img/rainloop.png
2. Goto MEnu Customize evolution skin, and click extra features category
3. in add Entry form, choice link and click add entry button
4. Fill the form with the following :
Name: Rainloop Webmail
icon: /assets/img/rainloop.png

5. Click save


Thanks a lot working fine
This isn't working for me. When trying to put in "
cp /var/www/html/rainloop/rainloop/v/1.13.0/static/apple-touch-icon.png /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/evolution/assets/img/rainloop.png" into the command line I get back:
cp: cannot stat '/var/www/html/rainloop/rainloop/v/1.13.0/static/apple-touch-icon.png': No such file or directory
Ahh nevermind.. rainloop version 1.14.0 now. Had to change that and I just manually copied the file into the correct directory using WinSCP