Unused websites


Verified User
Mar 26, 2012
Hello all,
recently I took over one DA server and I would like to make some maintenance in there, so I thought that maybe there is some simple solution of finding sites which has not been used like for 6 months, I thought that a lot of sites have static files, which never changes so maybe its possible to do that by checking data usage monitoring files, or apache logs that keeps record when somebody was redirected to particular dir and make a script that as long as something was accessing within particular time, in some php file those sites would stay green, and other sites would go red. Or maybe there are any simple and already adapted solution?
Thanks for your comments
Sites will always have traffic as long as dns is working. There is no way to know if customers are using them or not.
Domain level apache logs, email logs, and so forth. Access logs to see if users are using FTP access, DirectAdmin logs to see if users are logging into the control panel.

The amount of DNS traffic will be very low, and I don't think it shows up in the domain logs you see inside DirectAdmin (someone correct me if I'm wrong).

Also be sure to look at the site to see if it comes up, and do a dig or nslookup on the domain name to see if it's being pointed to your server. Check to see if mailbox sizes change over time.

If you're quite sure the site isn't being used, then create a default suspension index.html file to show a way to contact you, and suspend the site; the user will contact you soon enough :).

Domain level apache logs, email logs, and so forth. Access logs to see if users are using FTP access, DirectAdmin logs to see if users are logging into the control panel.
If you're quite sure the site isn't being used, then create a default suspension index.html file to show a way to contact you, and suspend the site; the user will contact you soon enough :).


Thank you, very nice tips,
besides I noticed that on /var/log/httpd/domains directory there is files like domain.com.bytes which gets updated everytime somebody access that webpage, and making a script which compares the date that file was modified gives me pretty accurate results. Still need to test though cause I noticed that if a site has subdomain e.g. subdomain.domain.com in /var/log/httpd/ dir a file domain.com.subdomain.bytes is being created then it still gives information, just the output is a bit misleading. And making php which cuts particular column it would say:
Domain: domain.com is active
Domain: anotherdomain.com is active
Domain: domain.com.subdomain is inactive

while its domain.com.subdomain it sounds clear, but when it is e.g. something.uva.nl.us its a bit trickier..

anyway since it's only for me and my colleagues, I guess that still takes me where I'm heading.