update Apache template


Verified User
Jun 21, 2012
I am told I need to update Apache template to install danginx, yet as far as I can tell it is updated.
have done ./build apach n and ./build rewrite_confs and I am NOT using any custom confs.
vendor says (and I am not sure they are right) its still using old apache template file /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/virtual_host2.conf
any command to do this?
da 1.44.3 apache 2.4.7
wondered about that but I am not actually using any custom ones (nothing in custom directory) so wasn't sure.
am confused about how a conf file created hours after da updated and apache updated could be "old" but I will try this, thanks.

edit: backiping up the existing conf files should suffice in case there is an issue correct?
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still didn't fix the issue dangix having so I really think its issue on their end relating so some sites on https.
thanks though.
If you have custom templates they must be in the custom folder. /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/virtual_host2.conf will get over written during any directadmin update. All that write command does is rewrite all the users httpd.conf files located in /usr/local/directadmin/data/users with the templates so there really is no need to back them up because you can always rewrite them out later. Just make sure if you want to make custom changes to follow the guide in http://help.directadmin.com/item.php?id=2. I know nothing about danginx or how it works.
not using any custom one, their product isn't installing as it says DA is outdated. they say its due to the /usr/local/directadmin/data/templates/virtual_host2.conf being outdated which I don't think is true. but before I could say that I needed to at least try.
now syslint saying 1.44.3 not stable version. so thats why.
good thing I only paid by the month and only out $5. not gonna waste more time on this.
their installer seems to have issues when existing sites are using https.
LOL 1.44.3 not stable version?

Well, i would not use anything from them if they say latest released is a "stable" version..

yeah not too enamored of them right now myself LOL
they encoded in manner limiting me to php 5.4 and I am not dropping back from 5.5 to 5.4 for this.
closed ticket and said when monthly renewal comes up I'll just cancel LOL