Update no longer possible due to outdated operating system


Verified User
May 5, 2018
Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany
Hello everyone,

I still have some servers with old Internal Bulk Lifetime (Approved Accounts Only) DirectAdmin licenses.

Now I have the following problem: I can no longer update DirectAdmin because the error message “debian10 EOL This Linux distribution is no longer supported by DirectAdmin. New releases of DirectAdmin are no longer compatible with this system and will not be available".

I have now received three different statements from my provider:

1. just update the system and the DA license will continue to work.
2. no, that is not possible, I have to rent a new license.
3. in DirectAdmin license management, it is not possible to change the operating system for old lifetime licenses.

Now I would like to ask here in the forum, what is the truth?

I would like to have another statement of my provider checked, if it is really not possible to reinstall DirectAdmin with Internal Bulk Lifetime? Of course on the same server with the same IP address.

I would appreciate an answer.

Greetings Andy

I think this is true.

1. just update the system and the DA license will continue to work.

3. in DirectAdmin license management, it is not possible to change the operating system for old lifetime licenses.
In now, it's just an optional when directadmin can't detect the OS.
Just upgrade Debian and should work normally after changed you will need rebuild directadmin binary files.
if it is really not possible to reinstall DirectAdmin with Internal Bulk Lifetime? Of course on the same server with the same IP address.
Shouldn't be any issue at all.

But since answer 1 is correct as some already confirmed, you can just update. Most likely need to do a "build all d" afterwards.
I don't use Debian but I read somewhere on the forum it should be done with steps, so 10 to 11, 11 to 12 (12 has a little error somewhere) 12 to 13 (and 13 fixes the little error in 12).
I still have some servers with old Internal Bulk Lifetime (Approved Accounts Only) DirectAdmin licenses.
12 to 13 (and 13 fixes the little error in 12).
I've overseen the first line, which makes this part not quite true. You can go maximum to Debian 12, not to 13.
On legacy licenses you can not install any Debian higher than 12 or any Ubuntu higher than 20.
Hi folks! Do you miss aswell FreeBSD with DirectAdmin on it? I hope one day they bring support for that OS.
Hello. Some do miss it, but DA has stopped supporting FreeBSD a couple of years ago and it won't come back.