Update Software Not Updating by Cron (and No Notification)


Verified User
Jun 19, 2020
I used to get occasional email notifications from root on Monday at 6:00am that Software Updates were running. There would be nothing to update in the web interface of DirectAdmin > CustomBuild > Updates.

March 27, 2023 marked that last Monday morning email notification received. Since this time, there have been no automatic software updates and no notifications.

My VPS is running DA 1.649. I did recently receive an email for /etc/cron.daily/0ps-yum-daily.cron

I notice that /etc/cron.weekly is empty. I believe that there used to be something in this directory that caused the update to be run.

Can this be re-initiated? Is there a script to run Software Updates?


p.s. I noticed in the release notes for DA 1.650 that "Software version updates" notification had been fixed.
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The /etc/cron.weekly is empty indeed, no problem with that, empty here too.
What you are looking for is the yum cron which is in the /etc/cron.daily directory as you've seen too.
-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 332 2020-10-01 19:03 0yum-daily.cron

that "Software version updates" notification had been fixed.
Yes that is for the Directadmin software, not for the OS software which yum provides.
So they are 2 different software updates.
So they are 2 different software updates.
I am aware of this.

0yum-daily.cron is being run and I receive notifications

Apache, Composer, Exim, MariaDB, PHP 8.1, PHP 8.2 and Spamassassin (to name a few recently updated) may appear in CustomBuild > Updates and do not get updated. These are the ones I used to see being completed on Mondays at 6:00am - thus believing they were running and updating from the cron.weekly.

I would like to see them updated as they used to be.
I would like to see them updated as they used to be.
Is possible, since they are going to fix the notices.

If you want to do all automatically, that is possible too, you could create a cron containing commands like this:
./build update_da
./build update
./build update_versions

And then all would be updated automatically if something would be available. Use at own risk ofcourse. ;)
Thank you Richard, for this and the correction above.

If you want to do all automatically, that is possible too, you could create a cron containing commands like this:
./build update_da
./build update
./build update_versions

☝️ I'm still wonder what was in the cron.weekly that used to do the Software Update (for those programs in my 3rd post above) on this page of the VPS:

On another note, how did you make the blue Docs box in your previous post?

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I can't remember having anything in the /etc/cron.weekly directory. Maybe something was there in the past, maybe a weekly scan or something. Can't remember anything of DA being in there, but I could be wrong. Memory errors due to age. :D
Edit: Or maybe it was something from the old crontab from custombuild when the cron was still working and it was still in the Enhanced skin.

How did you make the blue Docs box in your previous post?
It's just a link.
If you're in the docs, on most titles if you go left of the title with the mouse, you will see a # character.

Click on that, and then that place is in the url bar. Or you can just go there with the mouse, use the right side mouse button and choose the "copy link" option.
Then paste it here.

This way you can point to certain doc parts directly, without people having to scroll to what they need.
No pretty blue box like in your post #7
That is not a normal link in post #3, it's make like
[url=http://hereisthelink.com]This is my link[/url]
while mine is just:

That's a difference. However, if you did it like me before you changed it, you might need to put it on a seperate line, without text before or after it, to get the box. ;)